Articles | Train Machu Picchu

Traveling by train to Machu Picchu is an unforgettable experience; Besides, that is the only form of transport to get there. In the category “Train Machu Picchu” you will find all the information about the train service to Machu Picchu: companies that provide the service, types of service, stations, departure times, tips and more.

What to take if you travel to Machu Picchu by train?

What to take if you travel to Machu Picchu by train?

Excellent article · 5/5 - 1 ratings

The trip to Machu Picchu by train is an unforgettable experience. You will feel what it is like to travel on a

Categories: Machu Picchu, Train Machu Picchu

Ollantaytambo – Machu Picchu train station

Ollantaytambo – Machu Picchu train station

Excellent article · 5/5 - 1 ratings

The Ollantaytambo train station is available all year round included in the rainy months: from January to April. It has

Categories: Train Machu Picchu

FAQs about the Train to Machu Picchu

FAQs about the Train to Machu Picchu

Excellent article · 5/5 - 2 ratings

The train trip is as important as the visit to Machu Picchu. In addition, this trip is considered one of the best train

Categories: Train Machu Picchu

What does it take to get to Machu Picchu by train?

What does it take to get to Machu Picchu by train?

Excellent article · 5/5 - 1 ratings

The simplest, fastest and most comfortable way to get to Machu Picchu is through the train journey. Every day more than

Categories: Machu Picchu, Train Machu Picchu

Recommendations to buy Train ticket to Machu Picchu

Recommendations to buy Train ticket to Machu Picchu

Excellent article · 5/5 - 1 ratings

There are two train companies that provide transportation to Machu Picchu are Peru Rail and Inca Rail. Both trains

Categories: Machu Picchu, Train Machu Picchu

Hiram Bingham Train to Machu Picchu

Hiram Bingham Train to Machu Picchu

Excellent article · 5/5 - 1 ratings

Traveling to Machu Picchu on the Hiram Bingham train is considered one of the best luxury train trips in the world. It

Categories: Train Machu Picchu

Bus to Ollantaytambo and train to Machu Picchu in only one service

Bus to Ollantaytambo and train to Machu Picchu in only one service

Excellent article · 5/5 - 1 ratings

Machu Picchu is one of the most incredible destinations in the world. To get there you will have to board a bus from the

Categories: Machu Picchu, Train Machu Picchu

Welches ist Peru Rail oder Inca Rail?

Welches ist Peru Rail oder Inca Rail?

Excellent article · 5/5 - 1 ratings

Peru Rail und Inca Rail sind die einzigen beiden Zugunternehmen, die nach Machu Picchu führen. Beide bieten qualitativ

Categories: Train Machu Picchu

Train, buses and tickets Machu Picchu

Train, buses and tickets Machu Picchu

Excellent article · 5/5 - 2 ratings

This post will solve many of your doubts about the train, the bus and the entrances to Machu Picchu. If you come on your

Categories: Bus Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu Ticket, Train Machu Picchu

Transport to Machu Picchu

Transport to Machu Picchu

Excellent article · 5/5 - 2 ratings

The entrance of Machu Picchu to the list of UNESCO as Cultural and Natural Heritage of Humanity, made Machu Picchu have

Categories: Machu Picchu, Train Machu Picchu
