Climate and weather forecast in Palcoyo – new mountain of colors
Palcoyo is considered by many as the new Montaña de Colores (Colored Mountain). Although we see it as a new destination and also offers new experiences. Palcoyo is located south of Cusco. The travel time is 3 hours to the community of Palcoyo, from where the hike begins to the mountain through the different viewpoints.
Palcoyo offers a new experience because it has several viewpoints of the mountain. This allows for more travel and also to have more perspectives on Palcoyo Mountain and the surrounding mountain ranges. Completing all the viewpoints will depend on the travelers.
Being located in Cusco, Palcoyo has two very different climatic seasons. The first one starts in November and ends in March, during those months you can find a great presence of rain. The second season is the dry season, this season is the most advisable to visit. Comprising the months of April and October.
We recommend that you take into account these two seasons and write them down for your trip planning. Likewise, we leave you all the information about the weather conditions in Palcoyo for the next 7 days, so you can have more information about what to expect on your trip to Palcoyo. Don’t forget that you can find much more information.
How is the weather in Palcoyo?
Perú, Palcoyo
Salida del sol
Entrada del sol
- Direction of the wind
- Wind speed
- Wind degrees
- Humidity relative
- UV index
Perú, Palcoyo
Hourly Forecast chart (Temperature)
Hourly Forecast chart (Chance of Rain, Cloudiness)
- level clouds
- Chance of Rain
prediction table by hours (speed and direction of the wind)
Perú, Palcoyo
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
Perú, Palcoyo
Chance of Rain
- Direction of the wind
- Wind speed
- Wind degrees
- Humidity relative
Perú, Palcoyo
Day | Description | Max./Min | Chance of Rain | Humidity | Direction of the wind | Wind speed |