Weather 13 articles
Climate and weather Poroy
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Climate and weather forecast in Poroy

The town of Poroy is a district of the province of Cusco and is very close to the imperial city, it is the place where the train station to Machu Picchu is located. Poroy is located at 3499 m.a.s.l. and shares the same weather conditions as the city of Cusco. During the dry season the days are clear and sunny, but due to its higher altitude the climate becomes colder and drier, at this time the temperatures range between 0° and 23°C. During the rainy season, the rains are constant and intense, but the weather is usually milder with temperatures between 7° and 23°C.

How is the weather in Poroy town?

Perú, Poroy

Salida del sol

Entrada del sol
Data of the moon
  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative
  • UV index

Perú, Poroy

Hourly Forecast chart (Temperature)

Hourly Forecast chart (Chance of Rain, Cloudiness)

  • level clouds
  • Chance of Rain

prediction table by hours (speed and direction of the wind)

Perú, Poroy

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

Perú, Poroy

Chance of Rain

  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative

Perú, Poroy

DayDescriptionMax./MinChance of RainHumidityDirection of the windWind speed