Weather 13 articles
Climate and weather Tambomachay
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Climate and weather forecast in Tambomachay

Tambomachay is located northeast of the city of Cusco, 7.5 km away. It is part of the Sacsayhuaman Archaeological Park and is at an altitude of 3700 meters above sea level. This ancient Inca shrine of water worship has a special location, surrounded by hills typical of the Andean landscape, which gives it a pleasant atmosphere despite the altitude at which it is located. Being so close to the city of Cusco, its climate is similar, having two distinct seasons during the year. The rainy season extends from October to March, with temperatures between 4° and 22° C, during this season Tambomachay and its surroundings are dressed in an intense green accompanied by the flora typical of the high-altitude Andean landscape. The dry season and its icy frosts generate early mornings and cold dawns with temperatures below zero degrees, the days are mostly clear with a bright sun and temperatures of 23 ° at noon; during this time the landscape takes the typical pale yellow tone of the Andean winter.

How is the weather at the Tambomachay archaeological site?

Perú, Tambomachay

Salida del sol

Entrada del sol
Data of the moon
  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative
  • UV index

Perú, Tambomachay

Hourly Forecast chart (Temperature)

Hourly Forecast chart (Chance of Rain, Cloudiness)

  • level clouds
  • Chance of Rain

prediction table by hours (speed and direction of the wind)

Perú, Tambomachay

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

Perú, Tambomachay

Chance of Rain

  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative

Perú, Tambomachay

DayDescriptionMax./MinChance of RainHumidityDirection of the windWind speed