Weather 13 articles
Climate and weather Urubamba
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Climate and weather forecast in Urubamba

The city of Urubamba is located on the banks of the Vilcanota River, in the heart of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, at 2900 m.a.s.l. and surrounded by beautiful landscapes. The climate is pleasant throughout the year, varying between temperate and warm, temperatures vary between 4° and 21°C and the seasons are divided into winter and summer, with the rains being more intense in the latter. All these factors make the entire valley surrounding Urubamba very fertile and an increasingly coveted tourist center.

How is the weather in Urubamba?

Perú, Urubamba

Salida del sol

Entrada del sol
Data of the moon
  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative
  • UV index

Perú, Urubamba

Hourly Forecast chart (Temperature)

Hourly Forecast chart (Chance of Rain, Cloudiness)

  • level clouds
  • Chance of Rain

prediction table by hours (speed and direction of the wind)

Perú, Urubamba

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

Perú, Urubamba

Chance of Rain

  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative

Perú, Urubamba

DayDescriptionMax./MinChance of RainHumidityDirection of the windWind speed