Climate and weather forecast in the Mountain of Colors – Vinincunca
Vinincunca or the Colored Mountain of Cusco, is located south of the historic center. To get there you have to make a trip of approximately 3 hours and then a walk of approximately 2 hours.
It is one of the most visited destinations in Cusco despite the long road and difficulty in the route that follows. Thousands of tourists come to the Montaña de Colores for the beautiful landscapes it offers. It will highlight the presence of the colors that give life to this mountain located more than 5,000 meters above sea level.
To reach this destination it is important to know the weather conditions. For a better understanding, we must mention the two seasons that have greater presence throughout the year. The first one is the rainy season that usually starts during the month of November and lasts until April. The second is the dry season, which starts in May and lasts until October. This season is characterized by scarce rain and much more sunshine.
Weather conditions may vary. If you are about to make the trip you should take a look at this information. We share with you the climate information and the weather forecast for the next days in the Montaña de Colores – Vinincunca. This mainly so that you can take the necessary precautions and organize your trip better. We wish you an excellent trip.
How is the weather in Vinincunca?
Perú, Vinincunca
Salida del sol
Entrada del sol
- Direction of the wind
- Wind speed
- Wind degrees
- Humidity relative
- UV index
Perú, Vinincunca
Hourly Forecast chart (Temperature)
Hourly Forecast chart (Chance of Rain, Cloudiness)
- level clouds
- Chance of Rain
prediction table by hours (speed and direction of the wind)
Perú, Vinincunca
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
Perú, Vinincunca
Chance of Rain
- Direction of the wind
- Wind speed
- Wind degrees
- Humidity relative
Perú, Vinincunca
Day | Description | Max./Min | Chance of Rain | Humidity | Direction of the wind | Wind speed |