Machu Picchu Mountain
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Is it difficult to climb the Machu Picchu mountain?

Do you want to travel to Machu Picchu but are looking for some adventure? This trip offers various options for adventurous spirits. The Inca Trail and the ascent through the Huayna Picchu are perhaps the most popular hikes you can find. This route offers one of the best views of the place. How difficult is the climb to the top of this summit? Know everything you have to know about this incredible tourist attraction.

This is the Machu Picchu mountain

Machu Picchu mountain is the highest peak surrounding the famous Inca city. To get there you must make an arduous uphill hike of about 2 kilometers, and once at the top you will be at the highest point of Machu Picchu!

What is the Machu Picchu mountain?

  • Machupicchu is not the same as Machu Picchu mountain. The first refers to the Inca citadel, which was made known to the world by the American explorer Hiram Bingham in 1911. The second is the upper mountainous elevation.
  • Therefore this mountain is the summit located at the top of the archaeological site and whose name: Machu ‘mountain’ and Picchu ‘old’ adopted the archaeological site to be known worldwide.
  • Currently, the ancient Inca roads were conditioned to be traveled by tourists. From the top of the summit you can glimpse all the amazing geography of the place: the archaeological site, the Huaynapicchu, the Putucusi, the Vilcanota river and more.
  • The tour of the Machupicchu mountain has become one of the main tourist attractions. To enter you need to buy the ticket ‘Machu Picchu + Mountain’.
Difficulty climbing the Machu Picchu Mountain
Incredible landscape that can be seen from the top of the Machu Picchu mountain

Where is?

  • This mountain is part of the so-called ‘Salkantay massif’. It is located south of the Inca city of Machupicchu, just in front of the Huaynapicchu . The top of the mountain is 3,082 meters above sea level (10,111 ft).
  • The entrance to this mountain is in a detour that follows the route of the ‘House of the vigilante’. Then the hike begins up stairs and stone and dirt trails with maximum slopes of up to 30 degrees.

How to purchase my Machu Picchu + Mountain ticket?
After the changes that were made during 2024, the way to purchase tickets did not change significantly. So it is possible to purchase tickets virtually or in person at the offices in Cusco. In both ways you can find an availability of 200 daily tickets respectively. Similarly, as for the officialization of the high and regular season, you can find the same amount of tickets. One more fact is that you can only enter the Machu Picchu Mountain with this ticket.

How to ascend the Machu Picchu mountain?

  • The path to the top of the Machupicchu mountain is mainly made of stone stairs built by the Incas many years ago. These steps extend for approximately 2 kilometers.
  • It is not necessary to reach the top of the mountain to appreciate the geographical beauty of the place. Along the way there are some rest points with viewpoints from where you can already see the beautiful landscape of Machupicchu.
  • To reach the highest point, the stairs must be climbed at a pace appropriate to the physical condition of the visitor. Depending on the pace at which you ascend, you can reach the top in 1 or 2 hours.
Tourist resting on the roads of the Machu Picchu mountain
Stairs and stone trails that will take you to the top of the Machu Picchu mountain

Machu Picchu Mountain Route Map

Map of Machu Picchu + Mountain circuit
Map of Machu Picchu + Mountain circuit

Is the Machupicchu mountain dangerous?

  • This route is definitely not dangerous. There are no nearby ravines or narrow steps that can cause damage to the visitor. The entrance to this summit is allowed to people of all ages, including children and older adults.
  • At the top of the mountain there are security personnel who can help the tourist in case of an emergency . It is also recommended to take the necessary precautions during the walk. The whole route is very well signposted. The only danger is going outside the limits of the trails or looking for paths on your own.

Is the climb difficult?

  • The ascent to the top of the Machupicchu mountain is not easy. It is estimated to be of medium-moderate difficulty . You don’t need to be in top physical condition to do it. Along the way one meets children, young people and even older adults.
  • The Machupicchu mountain is 600 meters higher than the archaeological site, making the ascent difficult. In addition, if we take into account the altitude of this summit, the fatigue is even more intense.
  • However, if the visitor climbs the mountain at an adequate pace, they will have no problem reaching the top. The most important thing is the desire to want to reach the highest.

Which is more difficult the Machupicchu mountain or the Huayna Picchu?

  • Huaynapicchu Mountain is steeper than Machupicchu Mountain. However, its route is not so long. Therefore, the Machu Picchu mountain is considered more difficult than the Huayna Picchu.
  • Despite the steep trails and stairs near precipices; the Huayna Picchu mountain is preferred by tourists. The availability of the entrance ticket to Huaynapicchu ends before that of the Machupicchu mountain.
  • However, there are not many differences between the Huayna Picchu and Machu Picchu mountains.


  • Although the dry season (from March to October) presents less probabilities of rains, in these months the visitor can enjoy the mountain for himself, since fewer people walk his paths.
  • Carry your belongings in a backpack weighing no more than 5 kilos.
  • Do not risk your life by being on the edge of the roads. Follow the security measures.
  • If you do the ascent with children, make sure that they respect the mountain and obey the safety measures so that they are not exposed to any danger.
  • It is recommended to bring only what is necessary: rain poncho, hat, sunscreen, water, camera, snacks and your necessary documents.
  • To enjoy this incredible adventure you need the ticket ‘Machupicchu with Mountain’. Reserve your ticket in advance, especially if you want to visit in the high tourist season (April to August).
View of Machu Picchu from the Machu Picchu mountain
Follow the recommendations and enjoy this great adventure

Other amazing hikes

  • Huaynapicchu – A vertical ascent to the edge of mountains adjoining extreme ravines. It takes 1 hour on average depending on the physical condition of the visitor. The Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu ticket must be reserved 3 months in advance. Only for people over 12 years old.
  • Intipunku – An ascent to the ancient gateway to the Wonder of the World in Inca time. Today, it is there where tourists enter the Inca Trail. The ascent takes an average of 2 hours. The road is not as steep as the Mountain. The entrance is with the Ticket Machu Picchu Solo.
  • Classic Inca Trail – One of the 5 best hiking trails in the world. In total there are 4 days and 3 nights for 39 kilometers of the ancient Inca road network to Machu Picchu. There is another 2-day version. It must be reserved up to 6 months in advance. Guided service is mandatory.
  • PutucusiThe Putucusi mountain is one of the mountains that surround Machu Picchu. From its top you can see the Inca Citadel and all the scenic splendor of the place. The ascent is difficult. The entrance is close to the town of Aguas Calientes. No ticket is needed. Not recommended for people with fear of heights. It must be done carefully.

Advice from people who have been there

Montaña Machu Picchu

Geoffrey D.By: Geoffrey D.

“A place with incredible views!“

“We did it the day after completing the trek and climbing to Huayna Picchu. This is much higher and obviously longer - the views are incredible. It took me a little over 1 hour to reach the summit. This hike is much less busy than Waynapicchu and we enjoyed it more because there were fewer people doing it.“


By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last updated, August 15, 2024