Huayna Picchu 64 articles
Huayna Picchu and Great Cavern
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Huayna Picchu and Great Cavern: differences and similarities

Inside Machu Picchu you can take short trekking routes, such as the routes to Intipunku, Huchuy Picchu, the Inca Bridge, Machupicchu mountain, Huayna Picchu or the Temple of the Moon. Perhaps the two most popular routes are the ones leading to the top of the ‘Huayna’ and the famous ‘Gran Caverna’. Both are challenging, suitable only for visitors over 18 years old. The entrance to both routes is through the same checkpoint. Learn about the similarities and differences between the routes to Huayna Picchu and the Great Cavern.

Photo of the Huayna Picchu Summit
Photo of the Huayna Picchu Summit

The Huchuy Picchu, the other mountain located inside the great mountain Huayna Picchu
The Huayna Picchu is the mountain that looks in the classic postcard photos of Machu Picchu. It is located at an altitude of 2,693 meters above sea level, about 200 meters above the Inca citadel. This great mountain brings together three important short trekking routes: the route to the Great Cavern (the Temple of the Moon), the route to the top of Huayna Picchu and the route to the top of the small mountain Huchuy Picchu. This route, to the ‘Huchuy’, is the shortest of all, with a distance of less than 1 kilometer. Its summit is at an elevation of 2,497 meters, only about 50 meters above the Inca citadel. From there you can get beautiful photos of the archaeological site and its main stone constructions. However, these views are not as panoramic as those from the top of Huayna Picchu. The route to Huchuy Picchu is suitable for visitors over 18 years old and is open from June 1 to October 15 each year.

Short hikes in the tourist visit to Machu Picchu

In Machu Picchu, besides the tour of the Inca citadel, there are six trekking routes to mountains and mysterious Inca constructions, which are: the 2 kilometer hike to Huayna Picchu mountain, the 3 kilometer hike to Machu Picchu mountain, the 1 kilometer hike to Huchuy Picchu mountain, the 1 kilometer hike to the Inca Bridge of Machu Picchu, the 2. 5 kilometer hike to the Temple of the Moon (the Great Cavern) and the 2 kilometer hike to Intipunku.

Each trekking route is done with a different ticket that complements the visit to Machu Picchu with a respective hike. These tickets are: Machu Picchu ticket with Huayna Picchu, Machu Picchu ticket with Mountain, Machu Picchu ticket with Huchuy Picchu, Machu Picchu ticket with Inca Bridge, Machu Picchu ticket with Temple of the Moon and Machu Picchu ticket with Intipunku.

In addition, within the Inca city of Machu Picchu there are three tourist circuits on foot. Circuit 1 is the shortest because it only visits the viewpoint of the Casa del Guardián or Casa del Vigilante. From there you get the classic photo of Machu Picchu. Circuit 2 is the most chosen by visitors because it includes the main Inca temples. This circuit is done walking for approximately 2 hours. Circuit 3 is an interesting option for the lower part of the Inca city. It includes little known constructions of the royal sector and can be completed on foot for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Temple of the Moon or Great Cavern of Machu Picchu
Temple of the Moon or Great Cavern of Machu Picchu

The route to Huayna Picchu mountain

Huayna Picchu mountain is the most famous peak in Machu Picchu. It is located on the north side of the archaeological site but its figure stands out in all the classic postcard photos. It is located at an altitude of 2,693 meters above sea level, about 200 meters above the Inca citadel.

The Huayna Picchu is famous for the trekking route that leads to its summit and that many visitors like in Machu Picchu. This hiking trail is 2 kilometers long on average. It crosses stone stairways made by the Incas that include frightening stretches near cliffs. However, the route is enabled to visitors with total security. Access is for people over 18 years old.

From the top of Huayna Picchu you get scenic views of all of Machu Picchu along with its mountains and the beautiful Andean geography that surrounds it. The way back to Machu Picchu is by the same path of ascent, only that includes a stretch through a narrow cavern. It is no longer allowed to descend directly to the Great Cavern, now this Inca construction is visited with a different type of ticket.

The route to the Huayna Picchu mountain is open every day of the year. The ticket that allows access is the ticket ‘Machu Picchu with Huayna Picchu’, which allows you to visit the Inca city through circuit 3. In total the route to this mountain in outward and return section, takes 2 hours on average.

Incredible view from the summit of Huayna Picchu
Incredible view from the summit of Huayna Picchu

The route to the Great Cavern

The Great Cavern is located at the bottom of the great mountain Huayna Picchu. It is a mysterious Inca construction inside a cavern, a place that was considered sacred by the Incas.

For the Incas the caves connected the earthly world of men with the underworld or kingdom of the dead. Because of this they built doors, ceremonial tables, niches where to place sacred objects and all made with fine granite walls.

The Great Cavern is also called Temple of the Moon because of the type of fine construction, where the Incas must have performed ceremonies of payment to the earth, the mountains and the goddess of fertility, the moon (killa, in Quechua language).

The hiking route to the Gran Caverna is an arduous adventure and suitable only for visitors over 18 years of age. Due to the steep paths surrounded by beautiful nature, the route is only available during the high tourist season, from June 1 to October 15, also when rainfall is scarce.

The route to the Great Cavern is available with the ticket ‘Machu Picchu with Temple of the Moon’ which allows you to take the tourist route through Machu Picchu through circuit 3. The hike to the cavern takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes (5 hours for the outward and return trip).

Construction inside the Great Cavern
Construction inside the Great Cavern

How to visit Huayna Picchu?

The Machu Picchu with Huayna Picchu ticket allows you to make the trekking route to this famous mountain. It also allows you to visit Machu Picchu through circuit 3. This circuit includes the visit to Inca royal constructions, such as: the House of the Inca, the Temple of the Sun, the Royal Tomb, Three Gates, the Sacred Rock, the Temple of the Condor and the agricultural sector (classic photo of Machu Picchu). The visit to Huayna Picchu is allowed to visitors over 18 years old. The route is open all year round. The purchase of the ticket must be done online two or three months in advance. If it is done in Cusco, a few days before the visit, it is very likely that there will be no availability.

The ticket offers promotional fares for citizens of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN): Peru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia. It also offers discounts for undergraduate university students under 25 years of age. The purchase must be made with the university card, passport or valid identity card. You will be asked for these documents at check-in.

These are the admission schedules:

  • Group 1. Entrance is from 6 am until a time limit of 45 minutes. The entrance to Huayna Picchu is inside Machu Picchu and closes until 8 am.
  • Group 2. Entrance is from 9:00 a.m. until a time limit of 45 minutes. The entrance to Huayna Picchu is inside Machu Picchu and closes until 11 am.

These are the prices to Huayna Picchu:

Entrance to Machu Picchu with Huayna Picchu
Entrance to Machu PicchuForeignersPeru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia (CAN)
Adults in general200 S/.112 S/.
University students125 S/.80 S/.

How to visit the Great Cavern?

The Machu Picchu with Temple of the Moon ticket allows you to make the trekking route to this mysterious Inca construction. It also allows you to visit Machu Picchu through circuit 3. This circuit includes the visit to Inca royal constructions, such as: the House of the Inca, the Temple of the Sun, the Royal Tomb, Three Gates, the Sacred Rock, the Temple of the Condor and the agricultural sector (classic photo of Machu Picchu). The visit to the Great Cavern is allowed to tourists over 18 years old. The route is open only during the high tourist season (from June 1 to October 15). The purchase of the ticket must be done online two or three months in advance. If the purchase is made in Cusco, a few days before the visit, it is very likely that there will be no availability.

This ticket also offers promotional fares for citizens of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN): Peru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia. It also offers discounts for undergraduate university students under 25 years of age. The purchase must be made with a valid university ID, passport or identity card. You will be asked for these documents at the time of entry, otherwise access will not be allowed.

These are the admission schedules:

  • Group 1. Entrance is from 6 am until a time limit of 45 minutes. The entrance to Huayna Picchu is inside Machu Picchu and closes until 8 am.
  • Group 2. Entrance is from 9:00 a.m. until a time limit of 45 minutes. The entrance to Huayna Picchu is inside Machu Picchu and closes until 11 am.

These are the prices to the Great Cavern:

Entrance to Machu PicchuForeignersPeru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia (CAN)
Adults in general200 S/.112 S/.
University students125 S/.80 S/.

Differences and similarities of Huayna Picchu and the Great Cavern

Huayna Picchu and Great CavernVisit to Huayna PicchuVisit to the Great Cavern
Machu Picchu CircuitRoyal Circuit 3Royal Circuit 3
Classic photo in Machu PicchuPhoto similar to the classic shot in the agricultural sectorPhoto similar to the classic shot in the agricultural sector
Admission hoursThe ticket offers 2 admission times: 6 am and 9 am.The ticket offers 2 admission times: 6 am and 9 am.
Available ageAvailable for visitors of all agesAvailable for visitors over 18 years of age
Maximum length of stay in Machu Picchu and trekking route4 hours on average6 hours on average
Advance purchaseIt is recommended to purchase online 2 months in advanceIt is recommended to purchase online 2 months in advance
Inca constructions included in the Machu Picchu circuitThe temple of the sun, the royal tomb, the house of the Inca, three gates, the sacred rock, the temple of the condor, the sacred fountains and the agricultural sector.The temple of the sun, the royal tomb, the house of the Inca, three gates, the sacred rock, the temple of the condor, the sacred fountains and the agricultural sector.
Approximate distance of hiking route4 kilometers round trip (2 hours of walking in total)5 kilometers round trip (4 hours of walking in total)

Questions and answers about the routes to Huayna Picchu and the Great Cavern

  • 1) Where is Huayna Picchu?

    The Huayna Picchu mountain is located in the northern sector of the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, at 2,693 meters above sea level.

  • 2) Where is the Great Cavern?

    The great cavern is located inside the Huayna Picchu also in the northern sector of the Inca citadel, at 2,645 meters above sea level.

  • 3) Which route is more difficult the Huayna Picchu and or the Great Cavern?

    The route to the Great Cavern is considered longer and with more winding roads making it the more difficult route in Machu Picchu.

  • 4) Can I visit Huayna Picchu if I am under 18 years old?

    No, the hike to Huayna Picchu is only allowed for visitors over 18 years old.

  • 5) Can I visit the Great Cavern if I am under 18 years old?

    No, the walk to the Great Cavern is only allowed for visitors over 18 years old.

  • 6) Can I visit Huayna Picchu all year round?

    Yes, this short trekking route in Machu Picchu is allowed all year round.

  • 7) Can I visit the Great Cavern all year round?

    No, this short trekking route in Machu Picchu is only available from June 1 to October 15 each year.

  • 8) How many kilometers is the hike to Huayna Picchu?

    It is estimated that this trekking route is 4 kilometers round trip.

  • 9) How many kilometers is the hike to the Great Cavern?

    This hiking route is estimated to be 5 kilometers in outbound and return sections.

  • 10) What circuit includes the routes to Huayna Picchu and the Great Cavern?

    The tickets to both Huayna Picchu and the Great Cavern include circuit 3 of Machu Picchu.

Advice from people who have been there

Huayna Picchu

Marcelo C.By: Marcelo C.

“Huayna Picchu“

“The route to Huayna Picchu took my breath away, literally, it was a hard hike because of the altitude and the hundreds of stairs. But in the end the effort is rewarded with a beautiful view of Machu Picchu from the top. A highly recommended route.“


By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last updated, July 6, 2024