Inca Trail 17 articles
Extraordinary hikes
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The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu – One of the most extraordinary hikes in the world

This trek starts in the town of Ollantaytambo, crosses trails built 500 years ago, through the mountains of the Andes to cloud forests in the Amazon jungle. As you reach the Inca city of Machu Picchu you will see buildings from Inca and pre-Inca times, and after 4 days of hiking surrounded by incredible scenery, you will arrive at the sun gate; from there you can see the mist dissipate over Machu Picchu, the sacred city of the Incas and one of the most spiritual places on earth. This hike is one of the best… perhaps, the best in the world, and a life-changing experience.

Entrance to Machu Picchu through the Inca Trail
Entrance to Machu Picchu through the Inca Trail

One of the most impressive features of the Inca Trail is that it was built with the landscape. Like the Inca city of Machu Picchu, it was completely built respecting the natural environment around it.

Make it happen: We are experts in Machu Picchu travel, and we know the “responsibility” that comes with taking you through one of the most beautiful places on the planet. To book the Inca Trail, you can contact us at

Here are relevant and updated tips

When to book the Inca Trail

As we mentioned before, we are talking about one of the best treks in the world and you should normally book it 8 months in advance, so you can choose the days you want to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. If you make your last minute reservation you may find some tickets available up to 3 months in advance. If you want to come during the high season (May – August) we recommend you to reserve a space on the Inca Trail 12 months in advance.

When is the best time to go

Undoubtedly the best time to walk the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is during the dry season, from April to September. Although you can also come during the rainy season, you can not enter during the month of February, it is the month with the heaviest rains and is closed for conservation; also this time is used to give maintenance to all sections of the road. Remember that the high season (May to August) coincides with the dry season, and you have to reserve your entrance a long time before.

Why choose us

Well, if you already know that you cannot travel the Inca Trail without hiring an agency. Know that you should not only choose us for our high quality of service, because although it is our priority, the constant search to raise our standards as a company, makes that behind your trip there is an incredible group of people, committed to you, with their work and with everything that involves operating the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.

About altitude sickness

No matter your age, physical condition or where you come from, everyone can get altitude sickness. The highest point you will cross while hiking the Inca Trail is at 4,125 meters above sea level, at a place called the dead woman’s pass, at that altitude you run the risk of feeling the symptoms of altitude sickness (acute mountain sickness). But do not be alarmed, there are ways to avoid the symptoms of altitude sickness; besides, our experienced guides know how to act in any circumstance.

2 days Inca Trail?

Yes, there is a 2-day Inca Trail; it is for people who do not have the time available to walk the classic Inca Trail (4 days), but also for those who want to skip the most difficult part of the trek.

Trekking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
Trekking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Other important tips

  • No matter when you choose to come, it will be cold at night; bring warm clothes (only the necessary) and a good sleeping bag. We can take care of all the necessary equipment for the Inca Trail, just ask for it at the time of your reservation.
  • Wear hiking shoes (never new), also carry a well charged flashlight, water, high energy snacks and your camera with plenty of space available.
  • Have change available in Peruvian currency, to buy bottled water and snacks along the way.

Are you ready for the Inca Trail?

If you are ready for this great experience, contact us to start organizing your adventure. Remember that if you want a place on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu you must reserve it several months in advance. Contact us at

In case you do not find the entrance to the Inca Trail for the dates you want, the other way to enter Machu Picchu will be to book the Machu Picchu tickets; remember, you must also do it in advance.

Advice from people who have been there

Inca Trail

Juan P.By: Juan P.

“One of the best hikes in the world?“

“Many people mentioned to me that it would be one of the best experiences of my life, that it was one of the best hikes in the world, and I believed it until I was there, now I am completely sure that it is not only one of the best, it is one of those experiences that anyone should have at some point in their life.“


By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last updated, July 26, 2024