Machu Picchu 265 articles
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The most available tickets in Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is the dream of many. However, in high tourist season tickets are scarce. This is in months like May, June, July and August, when thousands of tourists exhaust the few free tickets. So the best option is to choose one of the tickets with more availability, such as: the ticket to Huchuy Picchu or the ticket to the Inca Trail 2 days. Learn more!

Classic Photo in Machupicchu
Classic Photo in Machupicchu

The best way to find availability in Machu Picchu is to buy tickets online two or three months in advance. This way you can choose the day of your visit and the schedule that suits you best. Doing it in person in Cusco puts your visit to Machu Picchu at risk. The reason? Tickets are limited. Visit Machu Picchu as you deserve!

Availability in Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu has an average availability of 4,044 visitors per day. These visitors make their visit either as part of a tour or by purchasing their tickets directly through online sales channels.

This amount of visitors is divided among its different types of tickets, which are:

  • Ticket Machupicchu Only.
  • Ticket Machupicchu + Huaynapicchu.
  • Ticket Machupicchu + Mountain.
  • Ticket Machupicchu + Inca Bridge.
  • Ticket Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu.
  • Ticket Inca Trail to Machupicchu.

Of all these tickets, the ticket that offers the greatest availability is the ‘Machupicchu Solo‘ ticket. However, in the months of high tourist season (May, June, July and August); tickets tend to sell out very quickly.

Therefore, the tickets that sell out less quickly and, therefore, offer more availability during the high tourist season are: the Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu ticket and the Inca Trail to Machupicchu ticket.

Both tickets, therefore, are the ones that offer the greatest availability of entrance tickets to Machu Picchu during the high tourist season.

Entrance to Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu

The Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu tickets are those that allow greater availability to visit Machu Picchu on days of high demand for tickets.

For a better experience it is recommended to buy the tour ‘Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu’. This tour can be booked a few days in advance.

The Huchuy Picchu mountain allows you to visit the lower part of Machu Picchu (circuit 4). It also allows you to make the short hike to the top of the mountain Huchuy Picchu, located at 2,497 meters above sea level.

The Huchuy Picchu mountain offers a panoramic view of the Inca citadel. It also allows for a short but memorable hike in Machu Picchu.

In the archaeological site you can make the circuit 4 that includes the visit of: the agricultural sector, the House of the Inka, the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the 3 Windows, the Sacred Rock and more.

Huchuy Picchu mountain top
Huchuy Picchu mountain top

Entrance to the Inca Trail 2 days

The 2-day Inca Trail ticket is one of the most available during the high tourist season (May, June, July and August).

Unlike the other types of entrance tickets to Machu Picchu, this ticket can only be purchased as part of an all-inclusive tour organized by a tourist agency.

The 2-day Inca Trail tour allows you to take an all-inclusive tour through the trekking routes known as the qhapac ñan (Inca royal roads).

The 2-day Inca Trail tour covers approximately 14 kilometers: from kilometer 104 of the railroad to Machu Picchu to the Inca citadel itself, entering through the historic Intipunku (Sun Gate), just as the Incas did.

The first day we do not visit Machu Picchu, we only walk down to the town of Aguas Calientes. The visit to the Inca city takes place on the second day.

The 2-day Inca Trail tour includes: hotel pick-up, full tourist transportation (train, bus), professional guide, permits and entrance fees, meals, as well as one night in a tourist hotel in Aguas Calientes.

The 2 day Inca Trail tour can be purchased 1 or 2 weeks in advance without any problems. Even during the high tourist season.

Constructions on the Inca Trail
Constructions on the Inca Trail

Entrance to Machu Picchu en route by Hydroelectric

Although the entrance to Machu Picchu is easily sold out in high tourist season (May, June, July and August); there is an option to get availability of income to Machu Picchu. It is to buy a ticket in the town of Aguas Calientes, one night before the visit.

The town of Aguas Calientes has approximately one thousand tickets available. These tickets, according to the rules of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, can only be purchased in person with an identity card or passport in hand.

However, due to the high demand for tickets, it is advisable to make the purchase a day or night before. In this way, the visitor ensures his visit to Machu Picchu in total comfort.

Among the tours that can be done with this ticket are: Machupicchu tour 2 days economic route by Hydroelectric. This tour allows the purchase of the ticket one night before the visit to the Inca citadel (in the town of Aguas Calientes).

Due to the low cost of the tour, it is one of the most recommended services in Machu Picchu.

Questions and answers about the most available entrance tickets to Machu Picchu

  • 1) What is the entrance to Machu Picchu with more availability?

    The ‘Machupicchu Solo’ entrance ticket is the one that offers the highest availability of entrance tickets to Machu Picchu each day.

  • 2) When is the high season for tourism in Machu Picchu?

    The high season for tourism in Machu Picchu is in the months of May, June, July and August. On those days the demand for entrance tickets to Machu Picchu increases, so it is recommended to make the purchase in advance.

  • 3) Can I run out of tickets to Machu Picchu?

    Yes, in high tourist season there is a risk of running out of tickets to Machu Picchu. It is recommended to make the purchase online in advance (2 or 3 months).

  • 4) Can I buy tickets to Machu Picchu online?

    Yes, buying the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu online is the best way to get tickets safely. You can make the purchase on the official website or through an official tourist agency.

  • 5) Can I buy the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu in person?

    Yes, you can buy the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu in person at Calle Maruri 324: Calle Maruri 324. However, in high tourist season it is unlikely to find availability. Therefore, it is recommended to buy the ticket in the town of Aguas Calientes (at the office in the main square). Tickets can be purchased one day in advance.

  • 6) Where to buy tickets to Machu Picchu in Aguas Calientes?

    The sale of tickets to Machu Picchu in the town of Aguas Calientes is done in the offices of the Ministry of Culture of Peru at the intersection of the Main Square with Pachacutec Avenue.

  • 7) How far in advance can I buy the ‘Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu’ ticket?

    During the high tourist season, the ‘Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu’ ticket can be purchased two or three weeks in advance, so it is one of the tickets with greater availability.

  • 8) How far in advance can I buy the ‘Inca Trail 2 days’ ticket?

    During the high tourist season, the 2-day Inca Trail tour can be purchased two to three weeks in advance. This is why it is one of the tickets and tours with the highest availability.

  • 9) How many people can visit Machu Picchu each day?

    NMachu Picchu has an availability for approximately 4,044 visitors per day.

  • 10) How to pay the entrance to Machu Picchu online?

    To make the payment of the ticket to Machu Picchu purchased online you must register a credit or debit card Visa or American Express. This can be done either on the official website of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture or on the website of an authorized tourist agency.

Advice from people who have been there

Machu Picchu

Mariana L.By: Mariana L.

“Sacsayhuaman is incredible...enormous stones.“

“You have to walk 25 minutes from the center of Cusco to the archaeological park, I recommend going in the morning, in the afternoon there are too many people. Among all the places we saw, I can say that Sacsayhuaman looks like an extraterrestrial construction, it is simply impressive; excellent previous to Machu Picchu.“


By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last updated, August 16, 2024